Retiree enjoying some leisure time
Freedom 90 commits to raising its voice to demand an end to poverty and an end
to the need for food banks and emergency meal programs in Ontario.
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Freedom 90 Newsletter
March 31, 2014
May 11, 2013 (recently noted)
TEDxCalgary - Lynn McIntyre
Food Insecurity is a Lack of Humanity
Lynn McIntyre at the lecternIt seems like the only solution that's being put forward to people having to go to the food bank is to make better food banks and to find better ways to give people free food. And what a successful industry we have created in every corner and community of this great country in the name of those who can't afford food for themselves and their families. Can't afford food!

The social safety net has failed folks and food banks have obscured our ability to recognize that failure. (Runs 11:02)

Click here to view the full video at
March 27, 2014
CBC North
Inuit go hungry more than any other indigenous group
Child holding a sign reading A new study released Thursday highlights the fact that people in Nunavut have the highest food insecurity rate for any indigenous population in a developed country at 68 per cent.

The report, published by the Canadian Council of Academies, notes that a quarter of Inuit preschoolers are severely food insecure. Of that 25 per cent, 76 per cent skip meals and 60 per cent have gone a day without eating.

The alarming data on Inuit child hunger in Nunavut was first published in 2010 following the 2007-2008 Inuit Child Health Survey.

Click here to read the full article on the CBC website
March 27, 2014
Ecocide Alert - Ron Hart
Why Canada Needs a Guaranteed Annual Income
No one should go hungry in Canada. There should be no throw-away people in Canada. No one should be denied the basic requirements for a healthy life.

A guaranteed annual income would not only eliminate a host of social 'make-up' programs, it would also unleash the potential of all Canadians and allow all to contribute to developing life-value. It would provide a huge stimulus to our economy. Ultimately, it would save money.

Click here to read this opinion piece at the Ecocide Alert website
March 26, 2014
The Star - Joe Fiorito - Columnist
Income inequality: How you doin'?
Joe FioritoI mean we are living in a society in which inequality has become the norm and this time, it's personal - if you are on the bottom, in this place and at this time, you have failed and your failure is your fault, not my responsibility.

I wish I knew what to do.

Charity is emphatically not the answer to the problem of income inequality.

Click here to read the full article on The Star website
March 6, 2014
The Varsity - Jasleen Arneja
Food insecurity levels unacceptably high in Canada, says report
Jasleen ArnejaAccording to the 1996 World Food Summit, food security "exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life."

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States (FAO), the four main requirements of food security are availability, access, utilization, and stability. A threat to any of these dimensions of food security is a threat to the most basic human need, one necessary for survival.

Click here to read the full article on The Varsity website
March 4, 2014
the Table community food centre - Samantha Davidson's blog
Nick Saul: From Charity to Solidarity, Making the case for Good Food for All
Poster for the presentation... four million Canadians struggle to put food on their tables, and diet-related illnesses - which disproportionately affect the poor - are gobbling up more and more of our tax dollars.

Join Nick Saul as he explores the contradictions of our current food system, the persistence of inadequate food charity as a response to growing hunger and inequality, and argues that it's not only possible, it's essential to create a more just society in which everyone has a healthy, dignified place at the table.

Click here to read the poster for Nick Saul's presentation
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« February 25, 2014

List of Newsletters

April 23, 2014 »
Freedom 90
c/o York Region Food Network
350 Industrial Parkway South
Aurora ON L4G 3V7

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